경피 약물 전달시스템의 선구주자



As the domestic pharmaceutical market was open, many multinational corporations have entered Korean market. The traditional way of introducing new products, by importing them has met its end with this change, and domestic pharmaceutical companies are seeking new methods of developing and manufacturing new medicines; by utilizing Drug Delivery System.

TDS has invested great efforts into developing transdermal drug delivery systems over a long time. A drug delivery system may appear to be simple, but its mechanism is extremely complicated, and classified into two different type: Transdermal and Topical.

Unlike topical injectable drugs whose efficiency is limited within the applied areas, transdermal drugs cover and entire system by following the blood circulation, and has higher bioavailability than oral drugs with less risks of negative side effects and intoxication as well as maintaining the stable drug effect density within the blood vessel without going through one`s metabolism.

Because of all these benefits, transdermal delivery system drugs are highly welcomed by physicians and patients more than vein or muscle injection drugs.